John Monash Medal

From Engineering Heritage Western Australia

The John Monash Medal recognises outstanding contributions made by an individual towards increasing awareness, and conservation, of Australia’s engineering heritage. Worthy contributions considered for the award include promoting awareness of engineering heritage matters within the profession or the community, recording and documenting, and conserving or adapting engineering heritage. The award is open to members and non members of Engineers Australia.

Western Australian engineers who have been awarded the John Monash Medal are:

Year Awardee
2009 Richard G Hartley

for his outstanding contribution to engineering heritage through his years of excellent historical research, his archiving of drawings, his successful nominations of important engineering works, his many oral history interviews and his epic account of the Western Australian Goldfields Water Supply River of Steel.
Dated 9 October 2009, Owen Peake, Chair Engineering Heritage Australia, Peter Godfrey, National President.

2012 Ian B G Maitland

for his outstanding contribution to engineering heritage through a long career of building conservation projects undertaken by his structural engineering consultancy and his extensive voluntary heritage advice to community organisations. His work has received the high acclaim of clients and the recognition of government, professional and industry associations which have bestowed many awards.
Dated 21 November 2012, Mr John Heathers, Chair Engineering Heritage Australia, Adjunct Professor David Hood, National President Engineers Australia.

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