Location of Western Australian Engineering Heritage Places
To start, type in a city/suburb/street address for your starting location. You can then 'Display Map with all places' for a statewide map of all EHWA places, or limit results to various distances from the starting location. When a map based on various distances is displayed, you can choose between Engineering Heritage Recognition Program (EHRP) places only, or all places for which EHWA has information. On a personal computer, hovering on a place will display summary information for that place. Left click on a place will add that information to the map and include a link for additional information. When clicking on the additional information link, use right click and select 'Open Link in New Tab', you will then be able to return to your map to view additional places. Responses from mobile devices will vary, but a map and place information are still available.
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function showPosition(c) {
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if (c == 5000){ zoom = 15; window.rad_ehrp = 5000; } else if (c == 100000){ zoom = 10; window.rad_ehrp = 100000; } else if (c == 300000){ zoom = 8; window.rad_ehrp = 300000; }else if (c == 500000){ zoom = 7.5; window.rad_ehrp = 500000; } else{ zoom = 7; } var myCenter = new google.maps.LatLng(lat,lng); var mapProp = { center:myCenter, zoom:zoom, mapTypeId:google.maps.MapTypeId.ROADMAP, gestureHandling: 'greedy', }; window.map=new google.maps.Map(document.getElementById("googleMap"),mapProp); image = "https://developers.google.com/maps/documentation/javascript/examples/full/images/beachflag.png"; var marker=new google.maps.Marker({ position:myCenter, animation:google.maps.Animation.DROP, map:map, icon: image, }); const svgMarker = { path: "M10.453 14.016l6.563-6.609-1.406-1.406-5.156 5.203-2.063-2.109-1.406 1.406zM12 2.016q2.906 0 4.945 2.039t2.039 4.945q0 1.453-0.727 3.328t-1.758 3.516-2.039 3.070-1.711 2.273l-0.75 0.797q-0.281-0.328-0.75-0.867t-1.688-2.156-2.133-3.141-1.664-3.445-0.75-3.375q0-2.906 2.039-4.945t4.945-2.039z", fillColor: "blue", fillOpacity: 0.6, strokeWeight: 0, rotation: 0, scale: 2, anchor: new google.maps.Point(15, 30), }; if (navigator.geolocation) { navigator.geolocation.getCurrentPosition(function(position) { var pos = { lat: position.coords.latitude, lng: position.coords.longitude }; var marker1 = new google.maps.Marker({position: pos, map: map,icon: svgMarker,}); }, function() { handleLocationError(true, infoWindow, map.getCenter()); }); } else { handleLocationError(false, infoWindow, map.getCenter()); } var rad = c;
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' + '
' + point[6] + '
' + '
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' + '
Location: (' + point[3] + ', ' + point[4] + ')' +'
' + '
' + point[6] + '
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Distance: ' + dis[i] + ' km' + '
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EHRP: ' + point[2] + '
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Location: (' + point[3] + ', ' + point[4] + ')' +'
' + '
' + point[6] + '
' + '
Distance: ' + dis[i] + ' km' + '
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EHRP: ' + point[2] + '
' + '
Location: (' + point[3] + ', ' + point[4] + ')' +'
' + '
' + point[6] + '
' + '
Distance: ' + dis[i] + ' km' + '
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EHRP: ' + point[2] + '
' + '
Location: (' + point[3] + ', ' + point[4] + ')' +'
' + '
' + point[6] + '
' + '
Distance: ' + dis[i] + ' km' + '
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' + '
EHRP: ' + point[2] + '
' + '
Location: (' + point[3] + ', ' + point[4] + '
' + '
' + point[6] + '
' + '
Distance: ' + dis[i] + ' km' + '
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' + '
EHRP: ' + point[2] + '
' + '
Location: (' + point[3] + ', ' + point[4] + ')' +'
' + '
' + point[6] + '
' + '
Distance: ' + dis[i] + ' km' + '
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' + '
EHRP: ' + point[2] + '
' + '
Location: (' + point[3] + ', ' + point[4] + ')' +'
' + '
' + point[6] + '
' + '
Distance: ' + dis[i] + ' km' + '
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} else{ if (dis[i] < 500){ aaa[i] = new google.maps.Marker({ position: { lat: point[3], lng: point[4] }, map, title: point[1]+'\n' + 'EHRP: ' + point[2] + '\nLocation: (' + point[3] + ', '+ point[4] + ')\n' + point[6] + '\nDistance: '+dis[i]+ ' km', label: point[0], }); infowindow[i] = new google.maps.InfoWindow({ content:
<a href= "'+point[5]+'">'+point[1]+'</a>
' + '
EHRP: ' + point[2] + '
' + '
Location: (' + point[3] + ', ' + point[4] + ')' +'
' + '
' + point[6] + '
' + '
Distance: ' + dis[i] + ' km' + '
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' + '
EHRP: ' + point[2] + '
' + '
Location: (' + point[3] + ', ' + point[4] + '
' + '
' + point[6] + '
' + '
Distance: ' + dis[i] + ' km' + '
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EHRP: ' + point[2] + '
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Location: (' + point[3] + ', ' + point[4] + ')' +'
' + '
' + point[6] + '
' + '
Distance: ' + dis[i] + ' km' + '
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EHRP: ' + point[2] + '
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Location: (' + point[3] + ', ' + point[4] + ')' +'
' + '
' + point[6] + '
' + '
Distance: ' + dis[i] + ' km' + '
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EHRP: ' + point[2] + '
' + '
Location: (' + point[3] + ', ' + point[4] + ')' +'
' + '
' + point[6] + '
' + '
Distance: ' + dis[i] + ' km' + '
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var points = [ ['6001','Coolgardie Goldfields Water Supply','yes',-31.955270,116.165183,'http://ehwa.wikidot.com/places:coolgardie-goldfields-water-supply', 'Conceived by Engineer-in-Chief C.Y. O’Connor and completed in 1903, the Coolgardie Goldfields Water Supply Scheme comprised a reservoir on the Helena River, eight steam-driven pumping stations and 566 kilometres of steel pipeline supplying 23,000 kilolitres of water daily to the arid goldfields.'], ['6001','Coolgardie Goldfields Water Supply','yes',-31.6520398,117.2425632,'http://ehwa.wikidot.com/places:coolgardie-goldfields-water-supply', 'Conceived by Engineer-in-Chief C.Y. O’Connor and completed in 1903, the Coolgardie Goldfields Water Supply Scheme comprised a reservoir on the Helena River, eight steam-driven pumping stations and 566 kilometres of steel pipeline supplying 23,000 kilolitres of water daily to the arid goldfields.'], ['6001','Coolgardie Goldfields Water Supply','yes',-30.738267,121.4785981,'http://ehwa.wikidot.com/places:coolgardie-goldfields-water-supply', 'Conceived by Engineer-in-Chief C.Y. O’Connor and completed in 1903, the Coolgardie Goldfields Water Supply Scheme comprised a reservoir on the Helena River, eight steam-driven pumping stations and 566 kilometres of steel pipeline supplying 23,000 kilolitres of water daily to the arid goldfields.'], ['6002','Princess Royal Battery, Albany','yes',-35.0299516,117.9148206,'http://ehwa.wikidot.com/places:princess-royal-battery-albany', 'The battery consisting of gun emplacements and a magazine blasted out of solid granite, were constructed between 1891 and 1892. Built to guard Princess Royal Harbour and King George’s Sound, never saw hostile action but its design and durability are good examples of the military engineering techniques of the period.'], ['6003','Fremantle Harbour','yes',-32.0539563,115.7415152,'http://ehwa.wikidot.com/places:fremantle-harbour', 'Work commenced on a harbour inside the entrance of the Swan River at Fremantle in 1892 and was completed in 1900. The harbour was dredged to a depth of 9m which was deeper than most Australian harbours at that time. The work was planned and managed by Engineer-in-Chief C.Y. O’Connor.'], ['6004','Perth Wireless Station Applecross','yes',-32.0304847,115.8277387,'http://ehwa.wikidot.com/places:perth-wireless-station-applecross', 'On 30th September 1912, eighteen years after Marconi’s first radio experiments, the Australian Postmaster General’s Department commissioned this radio station, equipped with a Telefunken 25 kW quenched-spark long-wave transmitter, coupled to a 120 metre high guyed aerial. It established the first direct radiotelegraphic communication across the continent and maintained contact with shipping.'], ['6005','Rottnest Island Lighthouse and Signal Station','yes',-32.0072582,115.5041583,'http://ehwa.wikidot.com/places:rottnest-island-lighthouse', 'The first lighthouse commenced construction in 1842 and was lit in June 1851. The current lighthouse commenced construction in March 1895 and was lit in March 1896. The lighthouse was electrified in 1952 and is now fully automatic in operation.'], ['6006','Canning Dam','yes',-32.1540298,116.1241981,'http://ehwa.wikidot.com/places:canning-dam', 'The Canning Dam and reservoir provide a major fresh water resource for the city of Perth, Western Australia. The dam is situated on the Darling Scarp and is an impoundment of the Canning River. It is noted for its innovative structural and hydraulic design that was considered to be at the forefront of concrete gravity dam design at the time of construction.'], ['6007','Narrows Bridge','yes',-31.9651827,115.8469357,'http://ehwa.wikidot.com/places:narrows-bridge-recognition', 'The first Narrows Bridge commenced construction in March 1957 and was opened on 13 November 1959. The bridge is a five span precast, prestressed concrete, continuous beam bridge that was one of the longest of its type at its opening and which overcame major problems in creating a suitable foundation in very complicated ground conditions.'], ['6008','East West Telegraph','yes',-35.0274746,117.8870908,'http://ehwa.wikidot.com/places:east-west-telegraph', 'The East-West Telegraph stretched from Port Augusta in South Australia to Albany in Western Australia. Markers can be located at: Mt Laura Homestead in Whyalla; Corner of Andrew and Dempster St in Esperance; and Post Office (now UWA Albany Campus) Stirling Terrace in Albany.'], ['6008','East West Telegraph','yes',-33.8612305,121.8917757,'http://ehwa.wikidot.com/places:east-west-telegraph', 'The East-West Telegraph stretched from Port Augusta in South Australia to Albany in Western Australia. Markers can be located at: Mt Laura Homestead in Whyalla; Corner of Andrew and Dempster St in Esperance; and Post Office (now UWA Albany Campus) Stirling Terrace in Albany.'], ['6009','Kalgoorlie Boulder Mining','yes',-30.7438079,121.4770430,'http://ehwa.wikidot.com/places:kalgoorlie-boulder-mining', 'Faced with the problem of having to process refractory sulpho-tellride ore in the early 1900s, Kalgoorlie mining engineers and metallurgists developed new processes which revolutionised gold extraction metallurgy. By 1905 Kalgoorlie-Boulder was recognised as a world leader in gold extraction metallurgy and was only second to the South African Rand as a leading gold producing centre in the world.'], ['6010','Trans-Australian Railway','yes',-30.7460589,121.4668570,'http://ehwa.wikidot.com/places:trans-australian-railway', 'Completed in 1917, the Trans-Australian railway runs from Port Augusta in South Australia across the Nullarbor to Kalgoorlie in Western Australia. Markers are located on the Port Augusta Station platform and at the ticket office, Kalgoorlie Railway Station.'], ['6011','Ord River Dam','yes',-16.1228348,128.7379689,'http://ehwa.wikidot.com/places:ord-river-dam', 'The dam is located on the Ord River approximately forty kilometres south of the town of Kununurra. The dam has a narrow impervious core with zones of filter material with quartzite rock on either side. Construction took place over three dry seasons, commencing in 1969, and was substantially complete by December 1971. The height of the dam extends above the maximum design flood level with wet season floods passing through a spillway channel sited at a saddle eight kilometres north-west of the dam.'], ['6012','BP Kwinana Oil Refinery','yes',-32.22506298,115.7589467,'http://ehwa.wikidot.com/places:bp-kwinana-oil-refinery', 'The BP refinery is located on a 250 hectare site approximately 40 kms south of Perth. Established in the early 1950’s, the refinery has been progressively expanded and upgraded to a current throughput of 5.8 million tons of crude oil per year, approximately 138,000 barrels (20.67 million litres) per day, depending on operating requirements and crude oil type.'], ['6013','Broome to Java Submarine Telegraph Cable','yes',-17.9567593,122.2405095,'http://ehwa.wikidot.com/places:broome-submarine-cable', 'The first and second submarine cables to Australia were from Banjoewangie (at the Eastern end of the island of Java) to Port Darwin. Due to frequent breaks from volcanic activity, it was decided to lay a third 1,650km cable to Broome and connect with the Western Australian telegraph to Perth and then via the East West Telegraph to Adelaide. The operation took ten days and the cable came ashore at Cable Beach on the 26th February 1889.'], ['6014','Mitchell Freeway Stage 1','yes',-31.9617691,115.8475956,'http://ehwa.wikidot.com/places:mitchell-freeway-stage-1', 'Stage 1 of the Mitchell Freeway, Perth, Western Australia, extends from the north abutment of the Narrows Bridge to the Hamilton Interchange in West Perth. Design and construction occurred between 1966 and 1972. Part of the Stephenson Metropolitan Area plan, The Mitchell Freeway is part of a modern road system linking Perth’s northern, southern, western and eastern suburbs and bypassing Perth’s CBD.'], ['6015','Fremantle Fortress - Rottnest Island WW2','yes',-32.0071884,115.5169106,'http://ehwa.wikidot.com/places:fremantle-fortress-rottnest-island', 'The Rottnest Island WW2 Coastal Defence Facility based on Oliver Hill is the only intact establishment remaining in Australia of the seven 9.2 inch coastal gun batteries constructed during the late 1930s and early 1940s to defend key Australian ports when there was a real threat of invasion by hostile enemy forces.'], ['6016','WA Standard Gauge Railway','yes',-31.9433645,115.8765789,'http://ehwa.wikidot.com/places:wa-standard-gauge-railway', 'The original 635 km narrow gauge railway from Perth to Kalgoorlie was built in the 1890s to serve the Eastern Goldfields. The catalyst for the Western Australian Standard Gauge Railway (SGR) was the conclusion of an agreement in 1960 between the Western Australian Government and BHP Co Ltd, for the establishment of an integrated iron and steel works at Kwinana, south of Fremantle, contingent on the construction of a standard gauge railway between Koolyanobbing and Kwinana before the end of 1968.'], ['6017','Perth’s Causeway Bridges','yes',-31.9673637,115.8865960,'http://ehwa.wikidot.com/places:perth-s-causeway-bridges', 'These bridges, which were built in the period 1947-1952, were the first modern bridges built in Western Australia following World War 2. The eastern bridge was the first to be completed, and was opened to traffic in September 1952, with traffic continuing to use the other two bridges of the previous causeway until the western bridge was completed.'], ['6018','Perth’s First Public Water Supply Scheme','yes',-31.9594871,115.8428983,'http://ehwa.wikidot.com/places:perth-s-first-water-supply', 'First settlers relied on swamps, lakes, wells and rainwater tanks for their water supplies. When population increased in the late 1800s, water shortages and pollution resulted in disease such as typhoid. Saunders and Barratt proposed a dam on Munday’s Brook in the “hills”, 16¾ miles of 12 inch trunk main, a service reservoir at Mt Eliza and city reticulation. Site clearing commenced in October 1889 and Victoria Reservoir was opened on 1 October 1891.'], ['6018','Perth’s First Public Water Supply Scheme','yes',-32.0403594,116.0665344,'http://ehwa.wikidot.com/places:perth-s-first-water-supply', 'First settlers relied on swamps, lakes, wells and rainwater tanks for their water supplies. When population increased in the late 1800s, water shortages and pollution resulted in disease such as typhoid. Saunders and Barratt proposed a dam on Munday’s Brook in the “hills”, 16¾ miles of 12 inch trunk main, a service reservoir at Mt Eliza and city reticulation. Site clearing commenced in October 1889 and Victoria Reservoir was opened on 1 October 1891.'], ['6019','NASA Space Tracking Station Carnarvon','yes',-24.8687790,113.7038643,'http://ehwa.wikidot.com/places:nasa-carnarvon', 'In the early 1960’s NASA (National Aeronautics and Space Administration of America) sought facilities in Australia to support the next generation of manned space flights, the Gemini and Apollo missions. After an extensive search, in 1962 it chose Brown Range just outside Carnarvon. The original site was demolished with the Carnarvon Space and Technology Museum located on the OTC site. The marker is located outside the Carnarvon Civic Centre.'], ['6019','NASA Space Tracking Station Carnarvon','yes',-24.8838663,113.6567357,'http://ehwa.wikidot.com/places:nasa-carnarvon', 'In the early 1960’s NASA (National Aeronautics and Space Administration of America) sought facilities in Australia to support the next generation of manned space flights, the Gemini and Apollo missions. After an extensive search, in 1962 it chose Brown Range just outside Carnarvon. The original site was demolished with the Carnarvon Space and Technology Museum located on the OTC site. The marker is located outside the Carnarvon Civic Centre.'], ['6020','Ord River Diversion Dam','yes',-15.7908420,128.6981825,'http://ehwa.wikidot.com/places:ord-river-diversion-dam', 'In 1941 the Ord River Experimental Station was set up at Carlton Reach by Kim Durack, with assistance from the WA Public Works and Agricultural Departments. In 1946 the Station was moved 16 kms downstream to the black soil plains and became the Kimberley Research Station, a joint Commonwealth – State venture. After 12 years of reserach, in 1959 the Commonwealth decided to provide funding for construction of the Diversion Dam and channels. Farming commenced in 1963.'], ['6021','Fremantle Fortess - Leighton Battery','yes',-32.0177535,115.7564085,'http://ehwa.wikidot.com/places:fremantle-fortress-leighton', 'The Leighton Battery at Buckland Hill was the most extensive of the mainland coastal defence facilities completed during the early 1940s. Two 6 inch guns at Leighton became operational in February 1943. A battery of four 3.7 inch anti-aircraft guns was installed in late 1941. In 1944 it was decided to install three 5.25 inch dual purpose coastal artillery/antiaircraft guns and they became operational in 1947.'], ['6022','Stirling Bridge','yes',-32.0403915,115.7605881,'http://ehwa.wikidot.com/places:stirling-bridge', 'The Stirling Bridge is a seven span, twin post-tensioned concrete structure with an overall length of 415 metres. There are 74 steel piles driven to depths up to 51 metres supporting the bridge piers. The superstructure consists of precast concrete units erected on a supporting structure known as falsework. High tensile steel cables were then drawn through ducts within the units. After applying a jacking force to the cables, the superstructure became self supporting.'], ['6023','Sons of Gwalia - Headframe and Winder Engine','yes',-28.9147347,121.3345504,'http://ehwa.wikidot.com/places:sons-of-gwalia', 'The Sons of Gwalia reef was discovered in 1896. With the commencement of underground mining, the twin towns of Leonora and Gwalia were connected by Railway to Kalgoorlie. Apart from 1922 when a fire destroyed the greater part of the surface plant, the mine remained in production up to 1963. In 1971 the Shire of Leonora established a museum that includes the timber headframe, winder engine, mines office, assay building, mine superintendent’s house, and many artefacts associated with the mine.'], ['6024','Eastern Railway Deviation','yes',-31.8840863,116.0680861,'http://ehwa.wikidot.com/places:eastern-railway-deviation', 'The Eastern Railway Deviation (also known as the Mahogany Creek Deviation), opened in 1896. The 12 mile (19 km) deviation followed a creek-line that was then thought to be Mahogany Creek, but was in fact part of Jane Brook. The deviation allowed gradients to be kept below 1:50 and eliminated sharp curves but required a granite ridge to be traversed. This was achieved by the construction of a 1,089 ft (332 m) long tunnel through the ridge, known as the Swan View Tunnel, using dynamite and manual labour.'], ['6025','Pilbara Heavy Haul Railway','yes',-20.6638568,116.7190500,'http://ehwa.wikidot.com/places:pilbara-railway', 'This nomination recognises the whole of the Pilbara railway system, but concentrates on the four original heavy haul railways. These are the Mt Goldsworthy-Port Hedland (Goldsworthy Railway), Paraburdoo-Tom Price-Dampier (Hamersley Railway), Newman-Port Hedland (Mt Newman Railway), and Pannawonica-Cape Lambert (Robe River Railway) lines. These railways are still operating, having been upgraded and added to over the last 50 years.'], ['6026','North West Shelf Gas Project','yes',-20.6006318,116.7766596,'http://ehwa.wikidot.com/places:nws-gas-project', 'This nomination covers the first two phases of the North West Shelf Project. The first phase involved the development of the North Rankin A offshore platform, a large diameter pipeline to shore and domestic gas facilities for delivery of gas into a pipeline to Perth and Bunbury. The second phase saw the construction of two LNG processing trains, supported by storage tanks, export facilities and transportation tankers.'], ['6027','Cape Leeuwin and Cape Naturaliste Lighthouses','yes',-34.3720436,115.1363132,'http://ehwa.wikidot.com/places:cape-leeuwin-naturaliste-lighthouses', 'The Cape Leeuwin and Cape Naturaliste lighthouses, located within approximately 100 kilometres of each other on the south-western coast of Western Australia, were important links in the development of coastal lights that eventually circled mainland Australia.'], ['6027','Cape Leeuwin and Cape Naturaliste Lighthouses','yes',-33.5374985,115.0187342,'http://ehwa.wikidot.com/places:cape-leeuwin-naturaliste-lighthouses', 'The Cape Leeuwin and Cape Naturaliste lighthouses, located within approximately 100 kilometres of each other on the south-western coast of Western Australia, were important links in the development of coastal lights that eventually circled mainland Australia.'], ['6501','Barracks Arch','no',-31.9522433,115.8488876,'http://ehwa.wikidot.com/places:barracks-arch', 'The Barracks were gradually converted to offices for the Public Works Department between 1900 and 1904. In the 1920s the North wing was extended to accomodate the Metropolitan Water Supply, Sewerage and Drainage Department. The Public Works Department and Metropolitan Water Board moved to Dumas House in March 1966.'], ['6502','Canning Bridge','no',-32.0109481,115.8532982,'http://ehwa.wikidot.com/places:canning-bridges-2012-booklet', 'The first bridge at this site was built in 1849. This was badly damaged in the 1862 flood and a second bridge was built by convicts in 1867. This was raised to increase navigational clearance in 1892. The second bridge deteriorated in the 1890s and was replaced with the third bridge in 1908. The fourth bridge buiolt on the current alignment was completed in 1938. This bridge was duplicated in 1958, widened in 1965 and had substantial maintenance including concrete overlays 1984.'], ['6503','Central Exchange','no',-31.9511206,115.8536501,'http://ehwa.wikidot.com/places:central-exchange', 'Central Exchange in Murray St Perth was the first automatic telephone exchange in Western Australia. Central continued to serve a substantial part of the Perth CBD until decommissioned in 1987. The building is now used as business offices but externally appears almost the same as it did a century ago.'], ['6504','Central Park','no',-31.9542035,115.8553146,'http://ehwa.wikidot.com/places:central-park', 'Built in the early 1990s the 248m tall Central Park development is Perth’s tallest commercial development at the time of writing (2020). A short description of the structure prepared by Peter Bruechle is available on the webpage.'], ['6505','Council House','no',-31.9564087,115.8609030,'http://ehwa.wikidot.com/places:council-house', 'Council House is an 11-storey building that was officially opened by Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth II on 25 March 1963. Civil engineer William Green was Perth City Council’s town clerk from 1945 and is credited with being the driving force behind the original project.'], ['6507','Dumas House','no',-31.953586,115.8439,'http://ehwa.wikidot.com/places:dumas-house', 'Originally named Government House, the building was renamed in 1978 in honour of Russell Dumas, a former Director of Works and Buildings for the Public Works Department that was housed here until its dissolution in 1984. The building is still home to many departments of the State Government of Western Australia.'], ['6508','East Perth Power Station','no',-31.945739,115.880361,'http://ehwa.wikidot.com/places:eastperthpowerstation', 'The East Perth Power Station was constructed between 1913 and 1916 by the WA government at a total cost of 538,000 pounds. It was the first State government operated public electricity utility in Australia, and largest power generating facility in the State until South Fremantle Power Station began operation in 1951. It operated for 65 years until decommissioning in 1981.'], ['6509','Elizabeth Quay Bridge','no',-31.959234,115.855733,'http://ehwa.wikidot.com/places:elizabeth-quay-bridge', 'Arup, structural engineers, won a WA Engineering Excellence Award in 2016 for the design of the Elizabeth Quay pedestrian bridge. The bridge spans between the western Williams Landing and the new island in the east, providing increased opportunities for people to interact with the Swan River.'], ['6510','Egg-Shaped Digesters at Woodman Point WWTP','no',-32.1380877,115.7707477,'http://ehwa.wikidot.com/places:esds-woodman-point', 'An egg shaped digester is a vessel for the anaerobic digestion of sewage sludge. In the case of Woodman Point, two digesters were built by the Water Corporation and completed in 1997, each with a holding capacity of 8000 m3. The digesters at the Woodman Point Waste Water Treatment Plant were constructed using pre stressed concrete. A third digester has been constructed to supplement the two completed in 1997.'], ['6511','Fremantle Bridges','no',-32.0414648,115.7545472,'http://ehwa.wikidot.com/places:fremantle-bridges-2012-booklet', 'The present Fremantle Traffic Bridge is 70 years old, having been opened in 1939, but it is the fourth bridge to be built on this site. The first bridge was built in 1866 and the three earlier bridges are of particular interest as they illustrate the great changes which have transformed Fremantle over the last 180 years.'], ['6512','Gledden Building','no',-31.9536536,115.8570947,'http://ehwa.wikidot.com/places:gledden-building', 'The Gledden Building was one of the highest buildings in Perth when built and one of the few art deco office buildings constructed. It is a rare surviving example of a thirties era reinforced concrete office building over 40 metres tall.'], ['6513','Government House','no',-31.9569421,115.8617442,'http://ehwa.wikidot.com/places:government-house', 'In 1857 Captain Wray of the Royal Engineers presented plans to build a new Government house in a classic Revival style for Governor Arthur Edward Kennedy. This plan was then modified to become a more impressive building by the Lieutenant Colonel Edmund Henderson of the Royal Engineers and Comptroller of Convicts. Building commenced in 1859 and only finished in 1864, delayed by ongoing changes to the design due to indecision and difficulties in sourcing materials from England.'], ['6514','Horseshoe Bridge','no',-31.9509448,115.8592851,'http://ehwa.wikidot.com/places:horseshoe-bridge', 'The major challenge faced by the Public Works Department in designing a bridge to cross the railways was the close proximity of the buildings on both sides of the railway, which made it very problematic to construct a straight bridge. An ingenious engineering solution to the site issues was approved in 1902 based on the design of a horseshoe-shaped bridge. Robert Howard privately drew up the plans for the horseshoe bridge and took out a personal copyright on them on 13 February 1902.'], ['6515','Mt Henry Bridge','no',-32.0339409,115.8583518,'http://ehwa.wikidot.com/places:mt-henry-bridge-2012-booklet', 'The bridge is the longest road bridge in Western Australia, being 688 metres in overall length (including abutments). It consists of nine continuous spans of precast, double-cell, single box, post-tensioned, concrete segments, supported by sculptured reinforced concrete piers. There are 7 spans of 76.25 metres and 2 end spans of 63 metres. To accommodate the suburban railway line to Mandurah, the bridge was widened and strengthened between 2004 and 2006.'], ['6516','Narrows Bridge Duplication','no',-31.9635844,115.8466577,'http://ehwa.wikidot.com/places:narrows-bridge-duplication-2012-booklet', 'By 1998 the original Narrows Bridge was carrying 155,000 vehicles per day and the State Government announced plans to widen it. It was decided to build a new bridge West of the existing structure separated by a gap of six metres. Leighton Contractors, in association with designers Connell Wagner, was awarded a $49 million contract to design and construct the bridge. The widened bridge was opened to traffic on 26 February 2001.'], ['6517','Narrows Railway Bridge','no',-31.9629575,115.8469561,'http://ehwa.wikidot.com/places:narrows-railway-bridge-2012-booklet', 'The rail track is supported on nine steel box girders, each 54 metres long and weighing 99.5 tonnes, made in Kwinana by Structural Marine Engineering and lifted into place by mobile crane. The girders are supported on concrete piers in the six metre gap between the 1959 and 2001 bridges. The bridge was completed in 2005 and the first trains passed over the Narrows site in December 2007.'], ['6518','Old Court House','no',-31.9575506,115.8604476,'http://ehwa.wikidot.com/places:old-court-house', 'The Old Court House was designed by Henry Reveley, first civil engineer to the Swan River Colony, and built in 1836. The design is in the classical Greek revival style.'], ['6519','Old Mill, South Perth','no',-31.966125,115.8470419,'http://ehwa.wikidot.com/places:old-mill-south-perth', 'Replacing an earlier wooden windmill, the current structure was constructed in 1835 from limestone blocks, with the heavy cog-wheels being made from local tuart timber. The foundation stone was laid at a ceremony conducted with Governor James Stirling. Lockyer and Son were the builders. A cottage was built on the site in 1837.'], ['6520','Perth Central Railway Station','no',-31.9514478,115.8597133,'http://ehwa.wikidot.com/places:perth-central-station', 'The original Perth Central Station was designed by Richard Jewell and opened in 1881. The current Perth Railway Station building, designed by George Temple-Poole, is immediatly South of the original allowing the old station to remain in operation throughout construction. The new building was completed by 1893 and included offices for the Western Australian Government Railways in the second level. The original Central Station was then demolished.'], ['6521','Perth Observatory','no',-31.9526409,115.844388,'http://ehwa.wikidot.com/places:perth-observatory', 'The original Perth Observatory was completed in 1897, principally to record meteorological and astronomical observations, issue weather forecasts and provide time services. The observatory building itself was demolished to make way for Dumas House and the Observatory moved to Bickley. The building which remains is the original house and office constructed for the WA Government Astronomer.'], ['6522','Perth Radio 6WF','no',-31.950775,115.8563177,'http://ehwa.wikidot.com/places:perth-radio-6wf', 'In 1924, the Westralian Farmers Co-operative Limited (Wesfarmers) began operating radio station 6WF from the top floor of the company’s Wellington Street building. The first manager and chief engineer of 6WF was Wally Coxon, who has been described as "The Father of Radio in Western Australia".'], ['6523','Point Zero','no',-31.9559147,115.860588,'http://ehwa.wikidot.com/places:point-zero', 'Point Zero is the marker from which all distances from Perth have been measured since 1925. It represents the centre point of the city. This point also marks the site of the former General Post Office.'], ['6524','Port Bouvard Bridge','no',-32.6059999,115.6402213,'http://ehwa.wikidot.com/places:port-bouvard-bridge', 'The Port Bouvard Bridge was opened to traffic in September, 1993 after a thirteen month construction period. It spans the Dawesville Channel, a new waterway construction near Mandurah, 100 km south of Perth. The key dimensions of the bridge are an overall length of 360 m, six main spans of 47 m, end spans of 38.5 m and a navigation clearance above water of 19 m.'], ['6525','Fremantle Slipways','no',-32.0553047,115.739416,'http://ehwa.wikidot.com/places:slipways', 'In 1938 the WA Government announced its intention to construct a 2000-ton slipway at Fremantle Harbour. The new slipway replaced the ageing Rous Head slipway on North Mole. The new slipway was designed and built by the Public Works Department and came into operation in September 1942, servicing many Allied submarines and other vessels for the remainder of the war. Together with adjacent slipways built in the late 1950s, Fremantle Slipways remained in operation until the late 1990s.'], ['6526','State Buildings','no',-31.95569,115.8599071,'http://ehwa.wikidot.com/places:state-buildings', 'The State Buildings, also known as the Old Treasury Buildings or the Central Government Offices, are three interconnected buildings with a long history of public uses, including post office, treasury, telephone exchange, police cell block, the office of the Premier and Cabinet and the office of the Public Works Department.'], ['6801','Bassendean Railway Museum','no',-31.9095396,115.9387725,'http://www.railheritagewa.org.au/museum/pages/bassendean/index.php', 'The majority of the collection is from the WAGR, but there are also items from the timber lines and gold mines that operated in the State as well as private lines such as the Midland Railway Company. The collection spans the whole spectrum of railway history from Katie which was placed in service in 1881 through to more modern diesel locomotives. Bassendean is the administrative centre of Rail Heritage WA.'], ['6802','South West Rail and Heritage Centre','no',-33.4808535,115.7276976,'http://www.railheritagewa.org.au/museum/pages/swrhc/index.php', 'The Centre houses historic rolling stock including G 233 Leschenault Lady, oldest Australian built steam locomotive to be kept in serviceable condition and a number of early 1900s passenger cars. Visitors can also view the agricultural machinery collections housed on site, Capel Mens Shed and blacksmiths working in the traditional way. Open days are normally the 4th Sunday of each month with details of the current program available on the Centres Facebook page.'], ['6803','Dardanup Heritage Park','no',-33.4002706,115.7127359,'https://www.westernaustralia.com/en/Attraction/Dardanup_Heritage_Park/56b268afaeeeaaf773cfb54d', 'Housed in over 20 large pavilions, this extensive collection of vintage farming and industrial machinery includes tractors, horse drawn equipment, engines, bull dozers, saw mill, printing shop and military museum including a Leopard tank. Thanks to the passion of Gary Brookes, all equipment is fully operational with some stationary engines operating on compressed air during opening hours.'], ];
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