Originally known as Horn & Thiess, the company was established in 1933 by Henry Horn and Leslie Thiess, with its headquarters in Toowoomba. Initially focused on road-building and earthmoving, Thiess soon expanded its expertise to include dam construction, open-cut mining, and various forms of civil engineering. As the business grew, the Thiess family acquired full ownership and renamed it Thiess Bros.
In 1951, Thiess marked a significant milestone by listing on the Sydney and Brisbane stock exchanges, solidifying its position as a leading player in the industry. Notably, Thiess made its mark in the automotive sector by importing Toyota Land Cruisers for the Snowy Mountains Scheme in 1959. This venture led to Thiess becoming the official Toyota commercial vehicle franchisee in Australia. Over time, Thiess Toyota gradually transitioned into Toyota Australia, acquiring the remaining stake by 1980.
The company's journey took an interesting turn in February 1980 when CSR launched a hostile takeover of Thiess. However, the construction division was eventually sold to a consortium comprising Hochtief, Westfield Group, and Leslie Thiess in April 1981. The significant acquisition occurred in July 1983 when Thiess joined forces with Leighton Holdings, with Hochtief emerging as the majority shareholder.
In the following years, Thiess continued to diversify its operations. In 1987, the company expanded into waste collection by establishing Thiess Waste Management Services, a venture that lasted until its sale to Remondis in July 2012. Recognizing Thiess' contributions to the business landscape, it was proudly inducted into the Queensland Business Leaders Hall of Fame in 2011.
Further changes ensued in 2014, as Leighton Africa, Leighton Asia, and Leighton Contractors merged their mining operations into Thiess, propelling it to become the world's largest contract mining services provider. In 2016, Thiess's civil engineering business was incorporated into Leighton Contractors, which was subsequently renamed CPB Contractors. From that point on, Thiess dedicated its focus entirely to mining projects.
A significant development occurred in 2021 when CIMIC, in partnership with Elliott Advisors, agreed to joint ownership of Thiess, cementing its position as a key player in the global mining industry.
Today, Thiess operates from its headquarters in the Thiess Centre, situated in the vibrant South Bank area of Brisbane's CBD, near the TAFE Brisbane City campus. With its enduring legacy and commitment to excellence, Thiess stands as a testament to the engineering prowess that continues to shape the world around us.
- T
- Organisations
- Private Industry
- Civil
- Electrical
- Environmental
- Industrial
- Mechanical
- Consultant
- Contractor
- Defence
- Energy
- Generation
- Mineral Resources
- Mining
- Oil and Gas
- Refineries
- Renewables
- Road
- Structural
- Transport - Sea, Air and Space
- Treatment
- Wastewater
- Water
- Water Supply
- Wireless and Digital
- 1963-1985
- 1986-2019
- 2019-2050