John Archibald

From Engineering Heritage Western Australia


In 1896-97 Archibald was the general manager and consulting engineer of the Hit or Miss Goldmine (CGF) at Coolgardie, and to Lady Evelyn GMs Ltd (BAGF, Cashman’s), which produced 1,883 fine oz of gold in 1897-00, and also of Mount Malcolm Ms Ltd (MMGF Murrin) which in 1897-04 produced 27 thousand fine oz from 41 thousand tons of ore. He was at Mount Margaret in 1904.

His published papers include: ‘The economic use of compressed air in the elevation of tailings’.

ProcAusIME 8 1 (1902), p.103;
GG 1895 p.1726, 1897 p.388;
WAGC 11 July 1896 p.16, 27 Feb 1897 p.23;
Skinner 1897, 1899

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